Wednesday, August 31, 2011


How do you find the will of God?
You see, God loves you, and me, far more than we can ever truly comprehend. He loves us; he’s actually crazy about us – and he wants to be an active part in our lives everyday. He is the Spirit, and he wants to walk with us, to talk with us, to give us advice, to give us comfort, to give us direction. He wants to live his life together with us; and that’s why he offers to personally lead us, and invites us to personally follow. 

Surrender To Him and "do not be conformed to this world"--or worldly ways of doing things--"but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove"--there will be no doubt!--"what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Romans 12:1

Sometimes to find out what God's will is, we have to first find what it isn't.

If, after trying these seven ways listed below, you still aren't sure you have found the will of God, take the first step in the direction you think He is leading you. A boat has to be in motion before the rudder can take effect. Take one step, then stop and ask God to confirm that you're going the right direction. Then if the answer's not clear or you're still not sure, give it some time. God may be waiting for certain circumstances to be right before He can show you any more than He has to put yourself in MOTION to finding God's Will for your life or a particular decision.

  The WORD is the source of all wisdom. Only He views your life from an eternal and comprehensive perspective. Allow Him to become part of your decision–making process and guarantee yourself a lifetime of success. I highly recommend reading the word daily during this time. Jump into a chronological reading plan and do that days reading. TODAYS DAILY READING, CLICK HERE.
 The Holy Spirit will speak to you through the Word for your personal life. Click Here to get your daily reading schedule.
 Always check your decision against God’s Word. James 3:15-17 provides the characteristics of true godly wisdom: “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” Have the courage to ask yourself whether your choice meets these qualifications for God’s wisdom, or whether there are still any outside influences directing your path.

If you sense any anxiety or confusion, keep in the word and praying.  God’s wisdom will direct your paths in a peaceful manner.

If we want what God wants for us, we must add one more thing to our list. Take a few minutes each day to be still. Slow down and take time to hear His voice. Ask Him to reveal His plan to you.
 God will always respond. Spending time with the kindest Being in the Universe will change your life forever.
Daniel 6:10 (NIV), “Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before”..
Talk to God 3 times a day during this week of seeking God's will.

Note: Godly counsel means godly counsel, not good opinions from nice people! Godly counsel comes from God which means that a godly counselor is one who knows the Word of God, is spending quality time with God in prayer, and is living a godly life. I’ve seen too many people follow counsel from someone who is religious, but not godly, and they end up sending you in the wrong direction.

        Fast for 24 hours no food just water. During this time your spirit becomes uncluttered and more sensitive to the things of God.


Not only does God speak to us through His Word, and not only will He never contradict His Word, but God also speaks through circumstances.
Although I'm not one to base major life decisions on circumstances alone, there have clearly been times when I have sensed that something was the will of God and then things would fall into place circumstantially. At other times, circumstances have made it obvious that God was saying "no."

A classic example of God speaking through circumstances was when God spoke to Gideon, who laid his fleece out on the ground, asking God to confirm His Word. Certainly, Jonah got the right message when God brought his journey to an abrupt halt, and he found himself in the belly of a very large fish.

Of course, as a part of this process, God speaks to us through people.

 For example, there have been times when I have been listening to a someone preach or have been talking with a friend, and suddenly what he is saying addresses the situation I'm going through, even though he is completely unaware of my circumstances. It makes me realize that it is God himself speaking to me through those individuals.

Maybe God has spoken to you through a pastor or a Christian friend. Or perhaps He has been speaking to you through circumstances. Listen carefully, and remember that He will never contradict His Word.


Nobody can drive a parked car. 
Many never move forward because of fear. Fear that they may make a mistake, go the wrong way, or the up most fear of all . . . fear that they may fail. These people are not going against the will of God. Yet, the sin is just as dreadful because they are not reaching for it either.
Honestly . . . you will probably make some mistakes in your journey. However, we serve a God that forgives and He is a God of second chances. Don’t just sit there; get busy and take hold of what God has for you. Once you begin to move in the direction you feel God leading from doing the above steps, be patient and watch God connect the pieces.

   On the seventh day God rested after He created the world. After taking 7 days in seeking God over a particular area the last day REST in the decision. If you do not have a decision yet...Rest and start over the following week. God will not leave you hanging, He will speak to you!
Make sure you are in church that Sunday also because many times God speaks through a pastors sermon!

I hope this helps. I use this method all the time when seeking a direction. Many times when I feel stuck in the middle of a DREAM or DESIRE I go back to this 7  day method and God always confirms His direction for me. I used this method during big house moves, ministry changes and more.
I also want to recommend a journal or notebook you can jot the word of God down in and the circumstances you see lining up. The journal helps me see my problem areas against Gods will many times and the written pushes me to make the MOVE

Tuck these steps away in a safe place, they can be life changing if put to use!


May God help us all to not only find His will, but to do it!

Friday, July 29, 2011




Why am I here?
Who am I?
What will happen when I die?

These are great questions that have challenged people throughout the ages. Many of these answers can be discovered in a book called Romans. 
This book in the bible unfolds God's great plan and  purpose for your life. Paul teaches us in this book how we try to make everything right on our own, but NEVER SUCCEED.
I challenge you to read along with me for the next week. I will influence and provide feasible steps for you to take toward God. Romans offers a plan that is manageable and understandable.

I am convinced that the real challenge happens from the inside out. The goal is to renew our minds and trust that God is real and has a life purpose for you.



Yes, whether you want to believe this or not, mankind's number one dilemma is Gods judgement for our sinful, imperfect condition.

God masterfully and gracefully offers a remedy for this.

I encourage you to read Chapter one of Romans today.

Romans will help you understand God's wrath on our sinfulness then works its way through the GRACE OF GOD and teaches us how this was demonstrated.



Hang out with me this coming week and I honestly believe God will show you why He wants to touch your life in a big way.

Do you have any question's about God?
If so email me anytime and I will privately respond.
This is no fairy tale, this is your life and God wants to educate you for future direction.

Email me today with any questions about God

Friday, July 22, 2011


Have you ever felt like you where in a NO WIN SITUATION?

I have to be honest raising a 14 year old boy brings me to tears many times. I told my son yesterday our relationship and communication together is crazy  and  some days makes no sense. Kinda like a squirrel chasing a rabbit! Now I know a squirrel chasing a rabbit makes no sense and that is my point. We tend to have little arguments that make no sense. We can battle and chase each other around  on one topic until one is proven wrong. If I say UP he means DOWN. If I say it's black he will say white. This chasing around and around can make one very tired, irritable and frustrated.
Today in Matthew 20:33 two blind men cried out to Jesus for their eyes to be opened so they may see, immediately Jesus Jesus touched their eyes and they received sight.

This morning I am crying out to Jesus asking Him to give me spiritual sight so that I may SEE my son and our situation from a New fresh vision. Jesus I pray will open my eyes to understand how we both need to change.

In this verse the men needed their physical sight to see but I always believe we can make a spiritual application in everything we read in the bible. I feel very blind in my situation with my son at times. Raising a teenager that knows EVERYTHING can make you feel blind and lost some days.

I know when you cry out Jesus will  open your eyes. This morning I woke up very early and read today's reading and cried out to Jesus on behalf of my situation with my son whom I love very much.

I then  began to wake up the family and told my son to be ready by 7:50 or he would loose the opportunity of me driving him to school. Well, he came up at 8:02 and said he was ready to go. Jesus already answered my morning prayer and instantly laid on my heart to "DRAW BONDARIES" and do what you said. I am a sucker and always fall back on my word cause I  feel bad. Well today my son had to walk to school and even receive a tardy. Sometimes when we struggle with our teenagers we have to stick to our boundaries with love. I felt so bad because it was cold out and he was running late. But remember when I cried out Jesus spoke some fast wisdom and came to me this morning and opened my eyes to see how I could better establish our relationship. Being a mom is difficult and we want the best for our children. Taking control is hard when you battle with a teenager but its very important to learn to control in love.

Do you have a situation in your life that leaves you on the side of the road feeling BLIND?

Do you wish your situation could be touched and your eyes opened to see everything from the right perspective?

Friends, Jesus will move with compassion over your situation but we need to "cry out" like the blind men did in Matthew 20:30. When they cried out Jesus stopped and stood still on behalf of their situation.

I pray today that Jesus will stop and stand still for my situation and yours. Please take time to cry out and tell God what you need. He will have compassion and Mercy on the hardest situations in life.

Matthew 20:30 "So Jesus stood still and called them, and said, "What do you want me to do for you?" 


OK I know this is an odd post! This post may not be for everyone but I feel it is very important and tends to be a touchy topic that needs to be brought to the surface so God can shine some light on it.  Remember women who seek God want to know Him and seek Him in every area of their lives, including sexual relations!

As I was doing today's reading in 1 Corinthians 7 Paul was teaching me about important principals in marriage and the Lords command in  keeping your marriage vows. Paul stresses over and over to satisfy and protect your spouse. I know this is a touchy subject so I am just sharing my failures and weaknesses. God reminded and encouraged me today.

In 1 Corinthians 7:5 it reads "Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time." The word deprive literally means do not rob one another. Yes Paul is referring to the romance area ladies!
                                                Satisfy and protect your spouse.
I fail here many times. I am always tired, busy and often not driven in the romance area at the end of a long day with kids and other activities. I still love my spouse to pieces but am I truly satisfying him? The answer is No. He is created with a different sex drive then me. I need to understand my spouses manhood! LOL

I would love to share a blog and article from (click here for the link) This article lays it all out ladies. I would also like to share a book that has been very helpful in my marriage in the area of sizzling romance.
Intimate Issues by Dillow and Pintus. This book is amazing and will bring the sizzle back into your marriage in many ways! It also will add new spice.

I like this book especially because many women have been a victim of sexual abuse and it seems impossible to get past the pain. This book has areas to help you see the truth and receive Gods healing. Dear friend, hold back no longer.. allow God to begin to heal you. God wants you to enjoy sex in your marriage bed.

I am grateful for Paul and his reminder today to SATISFY and PROTECT my husband.

Proverbs 5:15-19 "Drink from your own well, be faithful and true to your wife,....let your manhood be a blessing, rejoice in the wife of your youth. Let her charms and tender embrace, SATISFY you. Let her love alone fill you with delight."

Ask yourself how you are doing in this area? I am asking God today to help me become a Godly and more sensuous wife.

If you need more resources in this area please email me and I will help meet that need!


John 9:5-8
5As long as I am in the world, I am the world's Light.

6When He had said this, He spat on the ground and made clay (mud) with His saliva, and He spread it [as ointment] on the man's eyes.
7And He said to him, Go, wash in the Pool of Siloam--which means Sent. So he went and washed, and came back seeing.
8When the neighbors and those who used to know him by sight as a beggar saw him, they said, Is not this the man who used to sit and beg?


It sure is MUD season here in Michigan, the rain has turned every bit of dirt into major MUD.
Yesterday we had field day at the kids school and each child was covered in mud from all the puddles in the fields.
Tug of War was the biggest muddy mess yesterday but the kids loved the MUD!



When we become visually impaired we feel...

When life gives you MUD, remember God uses those Mud puddles  to bring a Majestic Miracle.

A little dirt, some spit and Gods touch = a Miracle!

God restores the dirty situations in our life by watering us with His spirit. When Gods power touches our dirt it turns into a MAJESTIC TYPE OF MUD!

God uses the Mud to restore our sight

However, mud in the eye can be a huge irritant



VISION does not just come about but are born from our desire to succeed.

We are required to ACT in the Mud in order to realize our DREAMS... but how do we act?

Take the mud and bring it to God for an eye opening miracle.

The Lord will reveal a fresh vision as He opens your eyes.

Jesus will take the mud mixed with His spit and place it over our eyes... asking us to then wash.

Wash in obedience to the Word of God

Wash in the acknowledgement of His presence

The result is eye opening!

God has been at work in your situation long before we scheduled to arrive, He is planning to take the dirt to make Majestic Mud.

Our mud puddles push us into the dreams and visions God has for our lives.

Lets take on the heart of a child and enjoy a game of Tug of War in the mud.

God performs miracles with mud, allow God to show you a miracle with your mess.

I am so grateful for Gods touch and my restored sight.
God has a plan friend, beg Him to touch your dirt today so that he may make the mud to perform the miracle.

Majestic Mud my friend, Majestic Mud!


“But in your great mercy you did not put an end to them or abandon them, for you are a gracious and merciful God. “Now therefore, our God, the great God, mighty and awesome, who keeps his covenant of love, do not let all this hardship seem trifling in your eyes—the hardship that has come on us, on our kings and leaders, on our priests and prophets, on our ancestors and all your people, from the days of the kings of Assyria until today. In all that has happened to us, you have remained righteous; you have acted faithfully, while we acted wickedly.” (Nehemiah 9:31-33 NIV)

Yesterday evening I had to go for a little ride in my car to clear my mind. Usually I go running but I already had a good run in that day and had no energy left to move.
 I was tired, stressed and overwhelmed by a few circumstances.
We all have hardships and not a person is going to live this life without experiencing a few trifling situations.

I have been tested more then ever lately because my dreams for God have become bigger. I believe God is allowing Mr. Satan to mess with with me to test my faith and firm foundation.

In times of hardship I get away from the circumstance. I need to take my mind to a place that I can regroup. As I drove around in my car I asked God to...   
 "Help me to experience You in the expected and the unexpected. Help me to let go of control allowing your space to live in and through me. I love you and thank you that You are so near to me. You are a gentlemen waiting on me so that you can show me your love. I desire for You to have space in my heart, soul, and mind so that You can be revealed to others through my actions. I thank you for the gift of this day, and praise You for your working in my life. You are an awesome and almighty God. There is no God like you."

This was not easy friends, but mandatory. I began to weep differently as I turned my focus away from the hardship and began to PRAISE GOD for everything!

 I have so much to be thankful and it was funny to watch my specific tears revolving around the negative began to change directions.     I had tears of thankfulness.

This was so odd...
Only God can change the direction of our tear falling feelings!

Today I was reminded again as I opened the Word of God to not allow hardships to be trifling to the eye but remember how Great and awesome God is! Click above and view how Nehemiah rose  above his trifling hardships...

Nehemiah was a big dreamer but did not forget that his GOD was bigger then the problem.

Rise above today friends,

ok I know my curious friends will wonder what was the trifling hardship?
Well here it goes... MONEY!
We do very well however their are always many needs that I have and my husband may not view them the same. He is the leveler in the family. Without him we would be seriously broke! But sometimes he stresses alot about money and He does not have to......

This week alone we have 2 birthdays, fathers day, weddings,  parties and more! let me tell you....It was a little stressful!

When Stress, money and marriage mix it can be trifling!

This morning before my husband left for work he reminded me how much he loved me, he embraced me tightly. This was a kiss from God my friends.

 Life is hard but don't miss the places in which God embraces!


For the Lord corrects and disciplines everyone whom He loves, and He punishes, even scourges, every son whom He accepts and welcomes to His heart and cherishes.
—Hebrews 12:6

When we need correction—and there are times when we all need it—I believe it is the Lord's first desire to correct us Himself. Whom the Lord loves, He chastens. God's correction or chastisement is not a bad thing; it is always and ultimately only for our good.
The fact that it works toward our good does not mean it always feels good or that it is something we enjoy immediately: "For the time being no discipline brings joy, but seems grievous and painful; but afterwards it yields a peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it [a harvest of fruit which consists in righteousness—in conformity to God's will in purpose, thought, and action, resulting in right living and right standing with God]." (Hebrews 12:11)
Correction is probably one of the most difficult things for most of us to receive, especially when it comes through another person. Even if we have problems, we don't want others to know we have them. I believe God prefers to correct us privately; but if we won't accept His correction or if we don't know how to allow Him to correct us privately, He will correct us publicly, using whatever source He needs to use. We may not always like the source God chooses to use, but it is wisdom to accept cor¬rection in order to avoid "going around the mountain one more time" (see Deuteronomy 2:3).


In the right MOMENT, incredible things can happen!

Winston Churchill described it like this. "There comes a special moment in every one's life, a moment for which that person was born. That special opportunity, when he seizes it, will fulfill his mission---a mission for which he finds greatness. It is his finest hour."

The right action at the right time will bring success!

What is keeping you from moving forward?

 In today's reading we learn that Esther had to seize her moment or else.....

    Sometimes in life we have to rise above the normal and take RISKS, If you do not take RISKS, you will not ever rise to the occasion.

    This motivates me! God will accomplish His purposes even if I sit on the sidelines. It's not necessarily the giftedness of the person that gets Gods attention. I believe it's the willingness to MOVE WHEN and WHERE HE INDICATES!

    If you sit back and do nothing, you could lose the CHANCE for the right thing! Sometimes doing the right thing at the right time can be risky! Seize that moment.

    If you fail to act on what seems risky, yet right you may miss out on God's purpose for your life. You will never accomplish your mission by remaining idle or in your comfort zone.

What hinders you? 


Regardless, you will succeed in your calling and purpose only by making one timely decision after another. They will bring you to your moment!

The last year has been filled with NEW OPPORTUNITIES for me. When God moved our family it was a huge risk alone. However, God's mission for my life will and does involve RISKS and CHANGE.
This year I have found riped opportunities that have actually been  NEW, FRESH windows of better opportunity.

It has taken COURAGE to RISK, REACH and put myself out on the line to seize the opportunity. My heart so desires the bigger and better dreams.  I have confidence in the future God has for me. However, I know it will not show up in a package at my front door. I need to seize the moments and find those ripe opportunities that create risk but place me in my defined destiny!

I can name a few big opportunities on my calendar for the summer/fall

1.Book proposals and meetings with publishers for a study/workbook called "Run Like You Mean It."

2.A  huge Pastors and ministry leadership/networking conference in August.

3. The opportunity to speak and teach on the book of Nehemiah this fall. (precept upon precept) for the women's bible studies at Northridge! So Excited, humbled and honored!

I will seize these opportunities trusting God!

What opportunities or new risks are you taking?

Step out on the line this week and seize an opportunity.




One of my greatest mentors taught me that life should be measured in three categories. First God, Second husband and family, third job, goals, dreams and ministry. When we fail to properly live life in this order we will eventually spiral downward into entanglements that crush our credibility, jobs, families and eventually our life.

I sit on this rainy day next to the most incredible man. My husband Dan. We together experienced life's entanglements. A crushed marriage, selfish personal pursuits which spiraled into emptiness and a family failing because we chose not to live our life on Gods original vision. Only with making the choice to put God first, can one maintain direction and keep motives pure. If God is absent in the equation you will, like us experience crucial errors in all areas of life.

I can remember like it was today the feeling of failure that engulfed my whole life. The goals and dreams that we set out to accomplish together  left us empty, tired and angry with life and each other.

Now that I sit back and reflect on the past I can see the problem clearly. It was all about our "OWN" personal desires, then family and NO GOD... except on Easter and Christmas.
 I remember my husbands mom, Chris inviting us to church every weekend we visited her up north. I thought she was such a pain with her constant faith and encouragement.

 Little did I know...

Today's reading  in 1 samual 4-6  which you can read if you click on the date at the top of this page was about a leader named ELI. Eli had success in his personal life as a priest but NOT as a parent.
Eli's failure to lead His family eventually led to his downfall as a leader. Eli was an amazing leader in Israel but he FAILED to discipline and teach his two sons and ended up rearing spiritual rebels. Even though Eli was a priest (a Godly leader) he got caught up in his personal work and missed the opportunity to lead his own family.

Eli was so busy teaching, leading and inspiring those around him that he ignored his own kids.
 Eli assumed his kids would just "get it" just because they lived in the house of the Lord. Eli's children became full of rebellion and tempted by sin. All along Eli was preoccupied with his own work.

How often do we get so tied up in our personal life that we forget that we are leading those around us. When we become entangled with self we forget about the important people God placed in our life.

Why would Eli have such a hard time balancing since he did the work of the Lord? Why did Eli have success as a Godly leader but not as a parent? Do you ever feel like you have success in your personal life but not with your children or within your marriage?

I can identify with Eli very much because my job is teaching, leading and inspiring others to experience God in their lives. I can testify and stress that doing Gods work does not  make it an automatic  "good place" or a "ticket for a good life" for your children.

 Without my personal time with God,  I miss what I need to lead my children for that day.

 God brings balance to all the areas. We can have all the success in our personal lives and expereince the success of others but if we do not lead our own household, we lack the qualifications to lead beyond the home.


How does the above order play out in your life? Do you place more emphasis in one certain area? Have you omitted one of these important areas? Do you feel entangled with failure and loss of balance?

Good leaders don't settle for less than excellence. They do not just set goals. they set standards that raise the bar for everyone. Our standards will begin with our spiritual life and relationship with God.

Can we honestly admit we've all been there?  A place of misplaced priorities...But, we can also agree together that we don't have to stay there.

Take a good look at how you order your life and ask God to help you prioritise, so that you may experience success in all areas of life.


                                                   A GREAT CHRISTIAN FINANCE SITE                                           

Finances are my weakness. I struggle with spending money and poor budgeting....I am learning daily in this area and I would love to share a great site about finances with you! Click on the site above and make it part of your Favorites!

You’ve had enough with your job and are two steps from walking out and never coming back! Besides, you always wanted to ‘be your own boss’ and this might be the step you needed to get those entrepreneurial juices flowing … right?
Ever felt like that before? I’ve had jobs in the past where I’ve felt like quitting was the best solution to the problem. When you’re frustrated with your day job, it’s easy to think that life would be better if you just had the freedom to do what you want. Who wouldn’t want to make money with their passion?
But quitting your job to pursue your passion isn’t a decision that should be made on a whim or even in a week. It takes careful thought and time to weigh the pros and cons. So before you hand in your two weeks’ notice, take note of these suggestions.

You’ve given careful thought and planning for the change.

Give an honest answer for these questions. If you’re able to put your reasons down on paper, it’ll help you to overcome irrational decisions (like quitting your job after one frustrating day at work).
  • Why do you want to change jobs?
  • What are the risks to quitting and starting a new job?
  • Would you do your dream job for free?
So how much time should you spend thinking through the consequences of quitting your job to pursue your passion? It depends, but I would recommend taking a few months to a year before you quit. If you’re still passionate about the change after 6 months to a year, you’re on your way to making a well thought out decision.

Have you hustled your dream job?

How do you know that you’ll love your new venture if you’re not already working your passion every night and weekend that you can? You know that something is important to you when you can wake up early every weekday before your day job so that you can put a few hours into your passion. When you come home from work, does your dream of working your passion keep you energized to the point of working a few more hours every night? If not, then I’d suggest that you revisit the first set of questions and take some more time before quitting your day job.

You’ve talked to someone else already doing it.

I think that one of the best ways to learn is through others’ mistakes and successes. Sure, trial and error are inevitable parts of being an entrepreneur, but there’s wisdom in seeking council from someone who has already done what you’re trying to do.

Do you have support from your family and friends?

If your spouse is supportive of the change and your family backs your decision, your confidence level to make the change will inevitably be higher. The exciting prospects of starting a business should never cause you to neglect the responsibility you have to take care of your family. Make a strong effort to keep your family first during the change and to be sensitive to their concerns about the uncertainty of changing jobs.

Is your emergency fund healthy?

This point is crucial. I would hope that you have your dream job lined up or have a steady flow of income from your passion to replace your current income. But the reality is that even though you may have all these things lined up, emergencies can (and will) happen. I would be most comfortable in having an emergency fund to cover 6 months to a year’s worth of expenses before I commit to quitting my job to pursue a passion full time.
Sometimes the biggest risk is not taking one. If you’re looking to make that jump into a new line of work that you’re passionate about, I think that’s awesome! It’s just critical that you’re honest with yourself and really have worked through the points mentioned above.
Have you ever quit your job to pursue your passion full time? What advice would you give to someone considering it? For those with questions about quitting your job, what concerns do you have about it?


The Bible clearly teaches us to "be content" no matter what our circumstances are. In Philippians 4:11, Paul said, "I have learned in whatsoever state I am in therewith to be content." The Amplified Bible describes being content as "satisfied to the point where you are not disturbed or disquieted". It doesn't say satisfied to the point where you don't want change, but satisfied for now until God brings the change. Philippians 4:6-7 sheds more light in this area by saying, "Have no anxiety about anything, but in all things by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, continue to let God know what you want", and verse 7 "the peace that passes understanding shall keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus". Allow me to paraphrase these scriptures in my language for you. Don't be upset about anything, no matter what is happening. Pray about it, and tell God your need. While you are waiting for God to move, be a very thankful and grateful person for all that God has done for you already. (Note: Let me say here that if God never did one thing for us except write our names in the Lamb's Book of Life, that alone is more than enough.)

Being thankful from the heart is necessary for the receiving of God's continued favors in our lives. Then verse 7 says after this:

1. Have no anxiety or care,
2. Tell God your need, and
3. Be thankful.

Then you will have tremendous peace and contentment no matter what state you are in while you are waiting for God to work out His will in your life.
Let us not forget Romans 8:28 that says, "All things work together and are fitting into a plan for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose."  Even the hard times can work into God's perfect plan for your life. Cast your care, and be a thankful person. Take inventory each day of what you have instead of counting up all the things that you have not. Meditate on what God has done in your life instead of what you are still waiting on Him to do. Your flesh wants you to concentrate on what you don't have. Your spirit wants you to ask God for what you don't have, yet concentrate on what you do have.
John 14:27 (Amplified) says, "Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled." Jesus left us a legacy of peace, and He wants us to use it. I have discovered through years of experience, many of these years spent in frustration and discontentment, that the secret of being content is to ask God for what I want, and know that "if it is right" He will bring it to pass "at the right time," and if it isn't right, God will do something much better than what I asked for anyway. We must learn to trust God completely if we ever intend to enjoy peaceful living. It is good to trust God for something, but God is calling His people not only to trust Him "for something," but to trust Him "in everything."
In Genesis 50:20, Joseph, speaking to his brothers who had severely mistreated him, said "As for you, you thought evil against me; but God meant it for good." The very things we think are awful right now, very often can turn out to be a great blessing. The greatest trial can develop in you the greatest faith. God spoke this to my heart a while ago: "Joyce, you see to the end of your nose (which isn't very far), and you assume that anything that doesn't feel good isn't good. But I see from beginning to end because I am The Beginning and The End, and I know many things you don't know." We know in part. God is "The All'.
Exercise doesn't feel good, but it is good. When a rebellious child receives a spanking, it doesn't feel good, but it is good. Hebrews 12 teaches us that no chastening for the present seems joyous but grievous, nevertheless, later on it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. Perhaps we need to learn to be more concerned with later on than with right now. Hebrews 12 also says that for the joy set before Him, Jesus endured the cross, despising the shame, but He is now seated at the right hand of God. Let's be willing to endure for a season, if it will seat us at His right hand.



PSALM 1-3....Read Today My friends.

It captured my heart and reminded me of the importance of Godly obedience.



When we decide to cross over in the bigger dreams then God begins to cut away. He wants to bless us so bad that it will blow our minds! God's ways are always about positioning us to receive help and blessings.

God is cutting away in several areas in my life at this present time...I know the areas and I admit that I struggle with obedience.
BUT, I refuse to slack off, I will keep doing what God told me to do.

In today's lesson we learn that God desires for us to examine, experience and evaluate our lives. When we meditate on Gods word and receive counsel from the right inner circle we will receive: STABILITY, INWARD NOURISHMENT AND REFRESHMENT, FRUITFULNESS AND PRODUCTIVITY, STRENGTH AND DURABILITY AND

Be careful where you get your counsel from. Many people want to help you prosper but counsel without God first will not fully prosper you in the long run. Our view of God is the most important thing about us.In the next few weeks we will be reading the book of psalms. This will help your heart capture the correct VIEW of God! I challenge you to examine your view and relationship with God. 

Allow God to renew your heart today just by submitting your heart to His care, you cannot move forward into the next victor he has planned for you life until He has your heart!

God has a personalized calling for your life my friends!
I encourage you to read psalm 1... three times today!


What is that thing you're hoping against hope for? That thing you can hardly pray about because it seems to be so out of reach?

But you have prayed. You have dreamed in secret. And you have thought about it a lot. You have wished for it even if you have not been brave enough to tell anybody about it.

HEBREWS 11: 1 " Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

HOPE=Trusting that what is wanted will happen.

God has created each one of us to HOPE, DREAM and DESIRE things!

God is HOPE, He places a "substance" or dream into our heart and then prepares us to see purpose. He encourages us through all His promises to TRIUMPH. God tells us He will do exceedingly, abundantly and beyond all we can think or imagine!

Hebrews chapter 11 is a favorite book of mine because it lists men and women just like you and me that learned to triumph in faith.
These men and women trained in obedience, allowed their character to be refined, desired to be intimate with their savior, understood the hurts and sufferings of others, became more mature in their faith, persevered in trouble and pain..... all because they had HOPE for the future!

HOPE found each character in Hebrews chapter 11.
Sarah, Noah, Enoch and Abraham all where stopped by a friend named HOPE!

HOPE STOPPED them in their tracks and allowed them to dream bigger. Hope told them everything was about to change.
Is God stopping you in your tracks today? Is HOPE trying to be your friend?
Accept the friend request.

HOPE SENT Abraham, Sarah, Noah and Enoch in "NEW" directions with "NEW" purposes.
Hope helped some rise and stand again. Hope helped many to open their eyes to believe in more then seen.

HOPE STRENGTHENED Abraham. Sarah, Noah and Enoch. They all like you and me had struggles.

                                         HOPE HELPED THEM COPE!

How do you think Noah felt when He was asked to build an ark that could float in a flood? keeping in mind that Noah and all the people never seen rain before? He struggled with fear and I am sure was made fun of by his peers and family. But HOPE helped him COPE!

HOPE STRETCHED Abraham, Sarah, Noah and Enoch. It sent them past their comfort zones and helped them enter the "unknown"
Hope stretched their minds to see truth without a reason.
Hope challenged them and created an opportunity through a disappointment.

How do you think Sarah felt when she conceived and bore a child when she was past the age! Do ya think God stretched her mind for 9 months to believe without reason. God also gave her the strength to handle the challenge.

HOPE SATISFIED Abraham, Sarah, Enoch and Noah. They learned that obedience was trusting with Faith that God had a bigger plan and destiny for their lives.

I relate most with Abraham right now. He was asked to obey when He was called out of his comfort zone to go to a foreign place. He did not see what God had planned, but God said to "GO."
Abraham knew that obedience would always satisfy him, HE KNEW God had the best for His life!

The lives of Abraham, Sarah, Noah and Enoch set an example of faith for us! God desires to satisfy, stretch and strengthen us on our journey. However He does use HOPE to stop us and send us in NEW DIRECTIONS!

Has HOPE found you?

By Faith keep dreaming!


My devotion's come from practical, relevant life stories that match the real and raw places of my own life. God has challenged me and taught me some very powerful lessons. My daily devotion's stem from a portion of the days reading. Take the time to read the bible verses and then refer to my devotion to see how the bible came to life in my neck of the woods!

Happy Reading!

King Solomon, in today's reading was a wise King who forgot the First, principle of wisdom.
 I pondered the story of King Solomon as I watched the Royal wedding today. I then pondered my wedding day and realized a few important truths.

 For a smart guy, King Solomon sure ended up doing some dumb things.
 By the end of his reign, this brilliant king somehow forgot the first principle of wisdom: "THE FEAR OF THE LORD IS THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM" Psalm 111:10

Only wisdom energized by a vibrant walk with God makes Godly leaders.... husbands and wives.

 The enemy wants to distract us from our royal calling and we will see in the rest of our reading in 1 Kings how the King Solomon spiraled downward.

Solomon however has used his life of mistakes to bring us wisdom on skillful living. The book of Proverbs often refers to the "path" or the "way". It provides a Godly goal and a means to reach the goal. May today challenge you to ponder your path as we learn from King Solomons dumb mistakes.

Solomon addresses the problem of sexual immorality in Proverbs chapter 7. He turned from wisdom at one time and followed after his own folly.

How often do we turn from what we know is right and folly after our flesh desires?

When we follow hard after those desires we give no thought to the path of life and the consequences will be dreadfully real.

I have experienced the sting in my life from a broken marriage. My hope was gone and my heart was sick.

 My husband and I did not value the treasure of Gods promises early in our royal wedding, leaving us in a world of pain. However, God knew my personal deepest hurts and heard my cries. I came to the end of my rope and knew I needed to learn how to depend on God. I am grateful for the people the Lord had divinely placed in my life for that exact season.

King Solomon teaches us that:

The person that enters into an adulterous relationship has allowed the eyes and mind to to become obsessed with a lustful portrait. The individual man or woman makes a choice to put themselves willingly in the way of temptation. In Proverbs chapter 7 you will see a graphic portrait of what I believe Solomon experienced. He gave graphic illustrations of the seductress. The woman chose to dress provocatively, she used flattering speech and was outside her home hanging around in the wrong places.

It takes two people to fall into the trap of an adulterous relationship.
 We need to be careful not to end up being the seductress. We often think that would never happen BUT...
 when our emotions are restless and unfulfilled we can easily choose the wrong path.
I have witnessed close friends that fell in the trap of loneliness and restlessness and when emotions are not guarded they can tug us down the wrong route.

 We need Gods wisdom when we struggle and He will give us the right perspective and tackle our inner conflict.

As individuals we need personally make sure we are in the right places to protect our marriages. Sometimes our " night out" takes us to local towns with great restaurants however, the twilight of the evening can put things in our path that could eventually "cost" us. We need to be wise  and protect our heart from turning and straying down wrong paths. I have witnessed the flirt of  eye contact and how that dangerous lure ended up destroying a family.

Often couples blame each other for cheating but we need to learn to ponder our personal paths. My husband and I did not walk the best path early in our marriage. We did not bond in a way God royally planned.
 When two people are not united in the royal truth of Gods wisdom someone will end up getting hurt. Our marriage today only survives because Gods word burns in both our hearts, helping us to remember wise choices and love each other with a royal pure heart!

I want to pause a second and speak a word of encouragement to the marriages or individuals hurting. Please hang on and turn to God for help and wisdom. My husband and I went down a wicked path so I do not take the sentence lightly that I wrote above about us both going to church and being united in Gods truth together. Listen friends, living a Godly life was not reality for me at one time, but I chose to change and persevere. God took over and His power showed up in amazing ways. So please believe big, it takes one person in the relationship to take a stand and believe for change. Regardless, you will see the power of God by your personal choice to stand strong, seek God and choose wisdom. Some days God may just show up to comfort and hold you in your pain and reveal His power by settling your sick heart. I can vividly remember God holding me while I was crying on my bed one night. Friends He is so very real.

God is good and His mercy, grace and wisdom is now a must for my family.
 Everyday we all make mistakes and often more wrong choices then good. But God is always waiting to teach us wisdom and help us make the right moves in the game of life. We may loose some games but in those loosing times we gain through the experience. We accept correction, change and then grow.

Sweet Blessings and Happy Royal Wedding Day!
Heather Baxter


Undefiled means "not filthy"

Just this past week I had to complete a few classes for my biblical counseling credentials. The classes all pertained to marital life. One particular class was titled "Making your marriage a GREAT marriage." This class spoke on female sexuality and satisfaction.

God created sexuality as a gift with pleasures to be enjoyed by women as well as men. God wants our marriage bed to experience sexual fulfillment.

God created us to be sexual beings. We are designed to receive and transmit sexual feelings. This is honorable to God.

Why and how does the marriage bed become defiled?

I believe anger, shame and guilt have invaded the bedroom. Many times couples go to bed with a "barb wire" fence down the middle of their bed. Hurt and disappointed over an unmet expectation enters the bedroom.
 Marriage certainly brings some reality to our illusions of a blissful relationship with no problems, that doesn't mean we should give up! We need to learn to pursue the true, deep intimacy that God created us for. 
Challenges may be great and the odds against you may seem overpowering, but the good news is that it's never too late for a "NEW BEGINNING, " no matter what state of your marriage.

I am still learning how to cling to Gods precepts for marriage. God has given my husband and I a road to follow with specific directions to apply to every situation in life.
We both made a commitment to begin our journey over... when the odds against us seemed so overpowering.

I personally  needed to focus on the Lords plan and direction and not the PAIN and DISAPPOINTMENT that so easily distracted me.
 I was so discouraged and unhappy with my marriage, but was guided by a few significant Godly friends to "not give up." It was harder on certain days then others.

God had some great things to teach me during those times. I went on a journey toward forgiveness and wholeness. I believe through our marriage struggles and hurts,  I was open and exposed to a calling God had for my life.

My personal wounds became wisdom to Gods higher ways.

A marriage bed that is defiled can be made whole again.

 I have experienced the blessing of God's power and presence in my marriage.  I desire any woman reading today that is struggling, to consider approaching God with your issue and have a spirit of EXPECTATION.  God wants to drop in on your marriage and make it HONORABLE and PLEASING.

It does take an attitude that desires change and challenge. But remember that God will strengthen you and help you ENDURE.

"A good woman is hard to find, and worth far more than diamond. Her husband trusts her without reserve, and never has reason to regret it. Never spiteful, she treats him generously all her life long." Proverbs 31:10-12

A good woman will love at all times. Her husband is won to the Lord through her generosity and trust.

This is so hard to understand and much wisdom and support is needed as a woman seeks God to heal her marriage bed. Sometimes God leads us down another path if the situation is dangerous for His daughter.
 However, most of the time we make the decision to leave and not EMBRACE what God has for us and our husband. My test in marriage was a living testimony of embracing the challenge and allowing God to restore the marriage. It was not easy but God seen the diamond in the rough.

Allow God to renew your perspective by choosing to cultivate a deeper level of intimacy with God.

Do not become so focused on the problem that you do not hear or see Gods new directions

Approach God today friend with a spirit of EXPECTATION. He will open new doors to your destiny. Make a decision today...


The person with a PLAN is the person with the POWER.

If we plan we will get the history we deserve. Jesus taught this in today's reading about the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:1-29.

We need to prepare to meet our future. When we prepare it drives us to move toward a goal.

The first part of Moving toward a goal is DETERMING A STARTING POSITION. In today's passage it spoke about individuals and described their starting positions. For example One person had 5 talents, to another two, and to another one. Each was given something according to their ability.

God has given us all special goods and talents according to our ability and His purpose.

Some may be born in abundance others with less. But what we have does not matter, it's what we do with it!

Life is not fair, but our STARTING CONDITION is irrelevant to our STARTING POSITION. I have a great example for you all...

I am a runner, however my starting condition may not add up to the other runners I know. Another runner may be fit and in shape with a great runners body. Does that mean I should not pursue the goal of becoming a long distance runner?  We both have the same STARTING POSITIONS at  each race.
How we train and pursue goals is what determines a runners ability to finish their race. I am not a fast runner with a lean and trim body but my condition and shape does not determine my starting position. The goals I set help me pursue the ability to complete my personal race and drives me to the Starting position. A Goal will Drive us and motivate us.

God has entrusted talents to us all. We must determine our STARTING POSITIONS. I know God has entrusted me with the talents of writing and speaking because others in the body of Christ and in my sphere of influence has affirmed that talent in me. Now I can make a choice to BURY that talent due to fear, distrust, poor grammer, lack of faith and lack of resources.
 Then I allowed my starting condition to rob me of my starting position.
If I bury my talent I can push Gods predetermined destiny away from my life. If we do not start at the starting line we cannot run the race.
 We need to show up at the STARTING POSITION and push past our fears and shortcomings.

Have you seen the down hill skiers or snowboarders starting position on the X Games? The hill is steep and long, looking rather scary but the individual SHOWED UP to his STARTING POSITION prepared to meet his future.

Do not procrastinate with your life friends, God has given you talents and goods with an expected future in mind.God expects us to use what we have been given. If you do not know what God has given to you, I urge you to ask Him to show you the abilities and your starting position. Step up to the plate and watch God work in your life.

Do you already know your abilities/talents and remember the starting position in which God has called you to? Have you failed to show up due to rebellion, fear, distrust or hurt?
Ask God today to give you a push and jump start. God knows your hearts desire and if you feel bad that you have buried those talents in the past then Gods grace will dig them up and allow you to SHOW UP AND START AGAIN!

The GRACE of God is what we need.

May today be the start of a day in which God says "Well done Good and FAITHFUL servant"


God Sized DREAMS start in "HIS" heart and then He places then in ours. Your DREAM will only come alive after you CROSS THE LINE OF FAITH!

Make a decision to Run with perseverance with God and forget the things which are behind and reach for the things that are before you!

You cannot expect your DESTINY to come falling out of the sky onto the road. Great things will only come with PERSEVERANCE, PRAYER, OBEDIENCE and SACRIFICE.

If you spent the last week, month or year face down from guilt, remorse or foolish mistakes it's time to align your thoughts with the thoughts of God and embrace HIS perspective, HIS ways, HIS truth, and HIS higher calling and perfect plan for your life

Remember today that God has HIGH HOPES and great expectations for you. God believes in you more than you do yourself.

I believe God is urging you to PUSH FORWARD and PURSUE your life long goals and DREAMS. The Holy Spirit desires to assist you in this mission. New gifts, talents and abilities will cross your path as you begin to focus forward and strive toward your God given purpose and DESTINY.


If you are interested in a DARE TO DREAM CONFERENCE this year, Please contact me and schedule for this life-changing event.
I am available for speaking engagements nationwide.