The person with a PLAN is the person with the POWER.
If we plan we will get the history we deserve. Jesus taught this in today's reading about the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:1-29.
We need to prepare to meet our future. When we prepare it drives us to move toward a goal.
The first part of Moving toward a goal is DETERMING A STARTING POSITION. In today's passage it spoke about individuals and described their starting positions. For example One person had 5 talents, to another two, and to another one. Each was given something according to their ability.
God has given us all special goods and talents according to our ability and His purpose.
Some may be born in abundance others with less. But what we have does not matter, it's what we do with it!
Life is not fair, but our STARTING CONDITION is irrelevant to our STARTING POSITION. I have a great example for you all...
I am a runner, however my starting condition may not add up to the other runners I know. Another runner may be fit and in shape with a great runners body. Does that mean I should not pursue the goal of becoming a long distance runner? We both have the same STARTING POSITIONS at each race.
How we train and pursue goals is what determines a runners ability to finish their race. I am not a fast runner with a lean and trim body but my condition and shape does not determine my starting position. The goals I set help me pursue the ability to complete my personal race and drives me to the Starting position. A Goal will Drive us and motivate us.
God has entrusted talents to us all. We must determine our STARTING POSITIONS. I know God has entrusted me with the talents of writing and speaking because others in the body of Christ and in my sphere of influence has affirmed that talent in me. Now I can make a choice to BURY that talent due to fear, distrust, poor grammer, lack of faith and lack of resources.
Then I allowed my starting condition to rob me of my starting position.
If I bury my talent I can push Gods predetermined destiny away from my life. If we do not start at the starting line we cannot run the race.
We need to show up at the STARTING POSITION and push past our fears and shortcomings.
Have you seen the down hill skiers or snowboarders starting position on the X Games? The hill is steep and long, looking rather scary but the individual SHOWED UP to his STARTING POSITION prepared to meet his future.
Do not procrastinate with your life friends, God has given you talents and goods with an expected future in mind.God expects us to use what we have been given. If you do not know what God has given to you, I urge you to ask Him to show you the abilities and your starting position. Step up to the plate and watch God work in your life.
Do you already know your abilities/talents and remember the starting position in which God has called you to? Have you failed to show up due to rebellion, fear, distrust or hurt?
Ask God today to give you a push and jump start. God knows your hearts desire and if you feel bad that you have buried those talents in the past then Gods grace will dig them up and allow you to SHOW UP AND START AGAIN!
The GRACE of God is what we need.
May today be the start of a day in which God says "Well done Good and FAITHFUL servant"
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